Elyse Gesmondi

About Elyse

  • Year acquired Real Estate license: 2002
  • Prior occupation: Educator and corporate trainer
  • Office location: Smithfield

Personal and/or professional accomplishments:
Professionally, I have been a multi-million dollar producer for almost every year that I have been selling real estate. I am a five-star professional in Rhode Island five years in a row. I have bought and sold millions of dollars of real estate in my career. I pride myself on treating my clients like family and trying to make every client feel like they are my only one. Service is my main focus.

Personally, I have grown my business through times of trials and tribulations and still found myself on top. I have two children and a loving talented husband. Together we built our own home with our own hands. Physically, emotionally, and mentally it was one of the hardest and coolest things I’ve ever done. I learned more about myself, my business, and my product than I could’ve learned in tens of transactions and it only makes me a better Realtor®.

Why did you get into the real estate industry?
I started the business in 2002. I had been teaching sales for several years. My mom was struck ill which forced me to come back to RI. I needed a more flexible schedule to be there for my mom and to be able to fund my lifestyle at the same time. I had been buying and selling real estate since I was 20 years old personally and decided that I would utilize my personal experience and my professional experience as a sales trainer and combine them into something I love to do. I have never looked back.

Why did you choose to become a Coach?
My drive to be a mentor is my need to teach. Selfishly, I do my best when I am able to help someone else grow their business. Simultaneously, my business does better because of them. So it’s a mutually beneficial situation. My years of experience as a salesperson and the idiosyncrasies of the transactions that I have seen in my lifetime, make me a great person to be there for advice.

Service is my main focus.

Schedule a Meeting with Elyse

Time (based on coach's availability)