Shane Feeney

About Shane

  • Year first licensed in Real Estate: 2013
  • Prior occupation: Banking/Financial services in Scottsdale, AZ
  • Educational accomplishments: ASU- Finance
  • Office location: Warwick

Why did you get into the real estate industry?
I had been a stay-at-home mom since moving to Rhode Island in 1999. I knew I could not return to a 9-5 office job. I wanted something more challenging & rewarding, both mentally & financially. Real Estate was something I had always been interested in, and decided to pursue in 2013.

Why did you choose to become a Coach?
In a business that, unless you are part of a team or have your own, you work largely alone, being a coach lets me connect with new HomeSmart agents. I enjoy helping each participant become the most successful, well-rounded Realtor® possible.

I enjoy helping each participant become the most successful, well-rounded Realtor® possible.

Schedule a Meeting with Shane

Time (based on coach's availability)