Rob Scungio

About Rob

Rob Scungio
  • Year first licensed in Real Estate: 2014
  • Prior occupation: Small Business Owner/Jewelry Manufacturing
  • Awards/recognitions received (not only real estate): Home Smart Professionals Diamond Club Member
  • Educational accomplishments: Business Management
  • Office location: Warwick

Why did you get into the real estate industry?
I needed a new career change after selling my manufacturing business. I’ve never held a Monday thru Friday, 9-5 Job and knew that I needed to find a new career that would be challenging and different every day. I was encouraged to look into real estate. I did, and the rest is history!

Why did you choose to become a Coach?
I launched my real estate career with HomeSmart Professionals! I too started as a brand new Realtor and completed the mentorship program here at Home Smart. I truly value the program and completely understand how important it is, as a brand new Realtor, to have a mentor by your side to guide you through the processes. Having a seasoned Realtor by my side gave me the confidence and knowledge to put myself out there to obtain new business and launch my career! I have much gratitude towards Dean and this program, I look forward to paying it forward!

“To give real service, you must add something which can not be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.”

Douglas Adams

Schedule a Meeting with Rob

Time (based on coach's availability)(required)